New employee onboarding tips and tricks

I’m closing the barn door after the horses are out, I’m admitting that. After hiring seven people and beginning the onboarding for them, this is a case of better late than never. So, I want to ask people to chime in with one tip/trick/suggestion for onboarding happy, healthy employees. I’ll start with something I haveContinue reading “New employee onboarding tips and tricks”

Lessons from a National Sales Meeting

If you’re in sales you know the exquisite pain that is a national sales meeting (NSM). There is joy and happiness at seeing your colleagues, some of whom you only see once a year. There is exhaustion and bleary eyes from the early mornings, late nights, bad food, stale coffee, and usually too many drinksContinue reading “Lessons from a National Sales Meeting”

Book time for yourself and your family

It is a coincidence that Emmanuel Ligner from Cytiva posted this recently. I had a draft blog post started taking about this same thing. I never had a chance to work with Emmanuel when we were both at GE Lifesciences, but I think we are operating on the same wavelength. The Corona pandemic is hereContinue reading “Book time for yourself and your family”

No more New Year’s Resolutions. January Goals.

Resolutions are amorphous. They are feel good changes that are designed to last a full year and through that process, change the person for a lifetime. There is a reason these fall to pieces. They are too broad and too easy to break. This year I am focusing on monthly goals. For those goals thatContinue reading “No more New Year’s Resolutions. January Goals.”

#1 Suggestion for Improving your Large Equipment Purchases

The #1 thing you need to keep in mind when buying equipment is to clearly identify and communicate your needs before starting the process. There, that is the punchline, read on if you want to learn a little more about my perspective. I have been involved in equipment purchases from the customer and sales side.Continue reading “#1 Suggestion for Improving your Large Equipment Purchases”

About me

I was a selfish scientist. Now, at the time I did not know I was a selfish scientist but instead a person who wanted to surprise others with a completed package of results. That did not happen very often, but what did happen was that I locked people out of my day-to-day science. Collaboration wasContinue reading “About me”